Although he's really into action and crazy weird horror stuffs, this movie is actually about 3 guys who go into the wilderness and get into a whole load of mess. So basically, they have to run away from 2 weed harvesters, a bear who ate their cellphone and the horrors of the mountains. Mindless humour. Watch only if u are as lame as me. $4.60/lame attempt.
was another glorious day (ok la, not so glorious since it was raining heavily and he couldnt go to school so he had to sleep in with me.. which makes it glorious for me in a way...) haha.
we woke up (well, he woke me up actually, by pouncing on me and saying that it's 1pm and i've been sleeping too much) and decided that we should head down to tiong bahru (oh, place of the mighty machine) again to return the disc. And since we've never even been there in the past year? we decided we shall watch a movie there anyway. since it's a week day.
I reminded jason to book tickets online and surprise, surprise.. superboyfriend found this:
After checking on the GV website (and realizing that all the good shows weren't out yet), we decided to watch 'Hairspray'.
Was surprisingly good! John Travolta gave an amazing performance.. I can't believe they made the star of Grease totally act gay in this musical (jason thinks it's just plain creepy) but okay, John Travolta totally pulled it off! Typical happy-ending story line, people fight for a cause (to eliminate racism) and the evil gets punished in the end. but the music is quite good... also, this show proves that there is hope for FAT PEOPLE OUT THERE!! like me! haha!
On the way home after the movie, jason and i were talking in the car and i suddenly remembered the MOS invite i had, (which we decided was lame and had disregarded) and decided to check it out.
So we headed over to MOS at 7.30pm and waited patiently for the doors to open at 9pm, meanwhile walking around and eating ice-cream.
Finally the doors opened and jason and i eagerly rushed in. i told him i wanted to see MOS totally empty. especially SMOOVE since it's always damn crowded. i actually wanted to see the floor lah, been there so many times, never ever managed to see the floor coz so many feet... Also, first 150 pple get free barcardi breezers so we were damn excited lah! free entry + free drinks leh!
so we went to get our chops then suddenly the bouncer stopped me, "Excuse me, miss" (Ok, have to admit i got a shock of my life coz like last time they didnt let me in coz i didnt have my IC. Although i showed them my car keys and stuff and say "HEY, i DRIVe. i'm ABOVE 18!!" apparently that doesnt work, so dont bother trying). but instead, he shoved the MOS goodie bag in my face. haha! since when MOS got goodie bag one!! Ok lah, maybe i've been so geek that i never go clubbing for so long that now clubs have goodie bags (which has a pore cleanser and 1 for 1 massage voucher).
anyway, we went to collect our free barcardi and rushed to smoove, only to find out the floor was... black.
so we went to PURE room to sit for 5mins, then check out all the smoking rooms, then checked out the retro room, then went back to smoove and after realizing that the floor was indeed black, we decided to leave.
At the door, we saw a cotton candy machine and i made jason ask the guy to give me one. Without jason even resorting to his brute strength, the guy claims that on ladies night, ladies get it free. OK, i always heard about MOS giving out cotton candy but I always decided it was an urban legend coz i never really saw it. COOLNESS. Free entry + free drink + free goodie bag + free cotton candy???
I love free stuffs. I love being a lady. and for now, I love MOS.