Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy 2008!!!

Watch night service was great!! Although Raj, Jason and I stayed up for a few nights preparing for it, it was all worth it!! It was an amazing way to usher in the new year - in prayer and worship!! Another great year to walk closer to God.

It's the new year and I think, like everyone else, I shall look back on my life in 2007 and comment.

Here's what's good in 2007:
  1. I finally found a good church to settle down in
  2. I achieved more than 3.6 GPA for my 2 semesters in 2007 (3.6 and above qualifies for Dean's List)
  3. I am really enjoying myself serving in church (offering, dance and worship)
  4. I have great family and friends
  5. I have a great boyfriend
  6. I QUIT SMOKING (FINALLY, thanks to Rajwin)
  7. I brought my brother to Christ
  8. I am growing in faith
  9. I am curbing my temper
  10. I am blessed with various material possessios (new hp, new laptop, new car, etc)

Here's what I want to achieve in 2008: THIS IS A REMINDER TO MYSELF

  1. Spend more time serving God and the church
  2. Raise my GPA to 3.9 (or at least 3.8)
  3. Spend more time with my family and friends
  4. Appreciate my boyfriend more
  6. Disciple my brother properly in his walk with Christ
  7. Bring my mother to Christ
  8. Grow in my own faith
  9. Curb my temper totally
  10. Earn and save more money (instead of spending on material possessions, I will give more to church, save for a rainy day, spend some on the people I love)
  11. Lead a more healthy life (eat healthy, exercise, drink less, etc)
  12. Gossip less

It was an amazing year... and I'm sure of a more amazing ahead.

2008 will be a great year for the same reasons why 2007 was great - that I have my family, friends and most importantly God with me.

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