Sunday, June 29, 2008

The reason I love Bellini...

Me with my favorite Bellini men! Hehe. Tom Brown's grooves and Raziz's saxy tunes always completes my night..

My best Bellini lady!! Jeassea Thyidor's croons makes my weekend perfect..

Ok, another week of school and work ahead... And I'm all rejuvenated and rested and ready for it! My only complain is that I won't be able to join the gang at Bellini this coming weekend 'coz I'll be in Taiwan!!! *Sob*

But I'll be back just in time for Tom's farewell party... Yep, Tom will be going back to the UK for good in 2 weeks time :( I'm so gonna miss him... Bellini will never be the same without Tom Brown.

Go have fun, kids... but not too much fun. Don't forget to think of me fondly.

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