Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday Night Blues... sigh =)

The best way to get rid of Monday blues is when he sings the blues...

shawn lee miller says (11:41 PM):
i don't care just what you say cos forever i am right you may think that you're the one but my darling bum bum bum

姐妹情深 we shldn't be afraid to live, love... coz we may not be the young ones very long. says (11:42 PM):
pls go on i'd like to see how this one ends hehe

shawn lee miller says (11:43 PM):
fly with me under your wings but my darling schwing scwhing schwing

姐妹情深 we shldn't be afraid to live, love... coz we may not be the young ones very long. says (11:43 PM):
nice one =P lol

shawn lee miller says (11:44 PM):
oh....please......flap your brina

姐妹情深 we shldn't be afraid to live, love... coz we may not be the young ones very long. says (11:44 PM):
... ba brina?

shawn lee miller says (11:44 PM):
you just want to be a sheep just so i say you help me sleep

姐妹情深 we shldn't be afraid to live, love... coz we may not be the young ones very long. says (11:45 PM):
that's actually quite sweet

shawn lee miller says (11:45 PM):
counting all the jumps you make jiggling as your bum bum shake

姐妹情深 we shldn't be afraid to live, love... coz we may not be the young ones very long. says (11:45 PM):

shawn lee miller says (11:46 PM):
oooooh.....please......shave your brina

姐妹情深 we shldn't be afraid to live, love... coz we may not be the young ones very long. says (11:46 PM):
... ba brina?

shawn lee miller says (11:47 PM):
it just came into my mind ba ba brina big behind
am i annoying or what

姐妹情深 we shldn't be afraid to live, love... coz we may not be the young ones very long. says (11:50 PM):
dont u know it luv

shawn lee miller says (11:50 PM):
but funny and creative hehehe

姐妹情深 we shldn't be afraid to live, love... coz we may not be the young ones very long. says (11:50 PM):
oh yea hehe definitely but still annoying

shawn lee miller says (11:51 PM):
who else will sing to you like that

Hence, closes another episode on ba ba brina big behind who has a better screen name than sha sha shawnie silly slime =)

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