Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hunting for men!!!

No, I'm not getting desperate... yet. I'm not actually hunting for men (no, not on my blog. apply at hahaha. This is something even better. I was paid to be an official judge for Mr. Manhunt 2009!

I was seated between the (this is how the emcee introduced them) "Marketing Director of Nutrifirst" and "up-and-coming international movie star and model of the year" (I literally turned to him and said, up and coming international movie star? Reeeaaalllyy...?) Haha. Apparently he's filming some movie in HK, very action-packed and he gets to use a gun or something but instead of shooting bullets, it shoots tracking devices. Kinda cool. So go catch it, I guess.

Oh, and he has a really cool name, Jay-C. I asked him if the C stood for anything, and he said "No. It's just a dash, then a C", then I told him that it's so cool to have a dash in his name and that I'm gonna add an exclamation mark to my name. He laughed like it's the funniest remark anyone's ever made to his name.

So I am henceforth known as 'bree!' :) Sorry to digress, everything just absolutely has to be about me. Haha.

Back to the judges... they all look so normal to me lor... as in, they were very friendly, help me open my drink, chit chat with me... give me tips on how to judge the men (as in, what to look out for in the competition. I don't need tips on judging men, thank you very much), made jokes. In fact, they look pretty average Joe, don't you think so?

(OK, I know the pictures look small, but it will take me forever to upload all of them. So I just threw them all together into 1 big picture. Click on it to enlarge if you want.)There was a performance by "Little Prince Charming"... apparently he won some kiddy pageant. And he sang 约定 which made me melt (and even Andrew, my photographer with the heart of stone, said that the little kid was kinda cute). He's so precious!! (the kid, not andrew).

The men first paraded in sexy cowboy outfits (which remind me of something a very wise person once said, "be kind to horses, ride a cowboy".........yeeehaa!!! hahaha), for the Mr. Cool and Mr. Suave round. We picked Richmond and Alim. (I realize you guys probably have no idea who they are.... too bad. Lol.)The next round was a tough one. "Mr. Nutrifirst" and "Mr. Physique". I was so distracted by the men in trunks, it made it kinda hard to judge.

Me (staring at the hordes of hunks and nudging the nutrifirst boss beside me): errr, how do we tell if they have a good physique?
Him: Well, for Mr. Nutrifirst, I will look at the overall package.. there are a few things I would look out for, like...(I didn't quite catch what he was saying coz the men in trunks were too distracting).
Me: Yea... Ok, so what about me? What do I look out for?
Him: I guess you gotta pick who looks best in swimming trunks.
Me: Hmmm... So I gotta look at their... butts? ooooh....OK!(eyes immediately darting to that area)
Him (disgusted at my drool creating a puddle on the table): Errr, not quite what I mean... (I didn't quite catch what he was saying coz men in trunks were too distracting).
Anyway, him and I ended up picking the same guy, Darren - contestent#2, but Sunny came and bitched about how we cannot pick the same guy coz the rest of the contestents will feel left out and feel sad. So he forced me to change my pick to #6, Jason (which mr. megamoviestar was rooting for all the way). WHERE GOT SUCH THING ONE?? WHY I LET MYSELF GET SUCKERED LIKE THAT??? SIGH. Ok la, I'm a pushover. Sorry Darren!!

But I had lots of fun, and thanks to Andrew for helping me take sooo many pictures with my pink camera, standing alone at the front of the crowd, looking like a total gay perv.... I LOVE U BRO! hahaha.

(Edit: 5 mins later when I realize that Andrew took more pictures using handphone coz my camera was out of batt - yes, I know. the quality is bad and the pictures are very blur. *mental note to self: always charge camera battery*)

Yes, I'm the shortest amongst everyone. But they're all supermodels and if they were my height, I'd lose faith in the modelling industry.

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