Now I have newfound respect for the jobless. Respects~ (Not you, Andrew. You still have to find a job). Lol.

Please click, the pictures are really amazing. I didn't upload pictures here because there were simply too many. Besides, I figured it will take you less time to click on a link than for me to upload hundreds of pictures. So don't be lazy. This is my blog, I win.
I made so many great friends when I was in HongKong (other than Camy, Kenneth and WW, the rest of the people in my pictures are new friends I made while in HongKong), shopped a little, and clubbed an INSANE amount.
I was there 10 days and only 3 nights I didn't party. Yes, I outdid myself :) *pats on back* I came back needing a vacation from my vacation.
The best part about my HongKong trip was when I bumped into a whole bunch of people I went to school with (although I only saw them the last 2 days), but we partied together on my last night and it was a "faux-MCM class of '06 reunion".
Last but not least, thanks Vam!!! You are an amazing friend. JieMeisQingShen :) You made my HongKong trip a whole lot more wonderful. I love ya, babe.
I woke up in HongKong one morning and called her. I told her I was feeling down.
She asked if I'm ok.
I told her to come to Hongkong and be with me.
She asked me what time's the next flight.
I said 2 hours.
She said, "Ok, I need to go home to pack my bags now. See you in HongKong tonight."
And you will see her right there in my HongKong pictures :)
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