I'm sorry darling!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Last Sunday...
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Out of the blue

- I NEVER receive any mail except for Christmas cards or official letters (ie, credit card bills, parking/ERP fines, insurance mail, school mail).
- WHO do I know from China???
- This China person has my full name and address spelt perfectly + my HP number on the front. WTF?
So a feeling of paranoia overcame me. What if it's a stalker and there's a bomb inside? What if it's a dead dog or bear's paw or feotus tonic or whatever it is that China people love to eat and send across the globe? What if some kidnapper kidnapped my car, sent it to China, stripped it and sold the parts, and sent the remaining (ie, my cushions and pink dustbin) back to mock me?
But rationale quickly kicked paranoia in the butt (when I peeped out my bedroom window and saw my car perched beautifully on the front porch), and I decided that no freak or stalker from China would go to all the trouble just to bully someone in Singapore.
So I tore the packaging open and something cold and hard and weird looking dropped onto my lap.... EEEEEKKK!!!
CHEY. It's just the shoe stretcher I ordered from Ebay. So funny looking right?
Haha. Ok, I'm SUAKOO lah, never see shoe stretcher before or never order anything from Ebay before. But I must say, it works pretty well, since it stretches the shoe both sideways and lengthwise. The new pumps Jason bought for me was pinching my feet so I decided to purchase this.
AND it comes with bubble wrap, which I think is like a Bonus free gift... because who can resist popping bubble wrap, right?
Yippee! Pop! Haha! Pop! Pop! Pop!
Last night, after prayer meeting, Jason, Raj and I were on the way home, when Raj called David and David said he was on the way to JB for supper.. So we decided to go home, get our passports, and tag along for the trip. Woohoo! First roadtrip of the year 2008! Haha.
Food was damn cheap! We each changed SGD$10 to Ringgit, and we had more than enough for dinner + bubblegum. Quite a fun trip, except that it was nearly 1am in the morning and we were all in slippers + Shumi was in her Pyjamas.. Haha.
David ordered Hor Fun and Raj ordered Bee Hoon (which he didn't finish coz he ended up stealing David and my food, claiming that Bee Hoon is boring). The Hor Fun was different from Singapore's, and according to David, better. The Bee Hoon on the other hand, was as Raj sadly noted, "Aiyahh... Same like Singapore one....."
Jason and I never had the habit of eating in the middle of the night, so we decided to share a plate of Hokkien Prawn Mee, which turned out BROWN. Jason thinks it tastes like Lor Mee, but I think it's nicer than Lor Mee. It's not as watery and it tastes like Hokkien Mee, only a little sweeter and the noodles are softer, not as chewy... more like Mee Tai Mak (did I spell it right?) texture.
Anyway, we didn't take much pictures coz we were all half alseep.
But with roses from Jason, bubble wrap, and road trip... what nice surprises there were this week, ya?
Friday, January 11, 2008
Story time with Bree

Jason got bored of Camwhoring and decided to join the beer gang.
So I grabbed Violet over to my side.
In the end, the 2 princesses lived Happily Ever After, in a world without beers, but alot of cameras.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
What exactly happened in 2007?
(I usually have more fun things to do, but since jason is sick and sleeping, and I have to stay here with him... and I have a slight insomnia... and the I am Legend DVD he burnt for me isn't playing properly... well, my options are suddenly quite limited.)
So, here's a look at my 2007:
1) Where did you begin 2007?
At Brewerks with Violet and Pravin :)
2) What was your status on Valentine's Day?
Happily with my honey.
3) Were you in school (anytime thisyear)?
Yes, and loving it!
4) How did you earn your money?
By giving tuition to a spoilt brat that drove me up the wall.. but whatever, it was good money.
5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
Let me think... No, I don't think so :) Thank God.
6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
Yes, because I called them. Lol.
7) Where did you go on vacation?
8) What did you purchase that was over $1000?
New pretty pink VAIO laptop!
9) Did you know anybody who got married?
Yes, June jiejie!!
10) Did you know anybody who passed away?
Thank God I don't.
11) Did you move anywhere?
Yes, I moved from Poly to Uni.
12) What concerts/shows did you go to?
Wanted to catch Phantom Of the Opera, but unfortunately all tickets sold out!
13) Are you registered to vote?
No, and I couldn't care les.
14) Who did you want to win BigBrother?
What is Big Brother?
15) Where do you live now?
With my mom and siblings @ Katong
16) Describe your birthday?
Super fun PARTY (click to see) @ a suite in Sentosa with my family and friends!!
17) What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2007?
Lead worship for watch night service! Dance performance in the middle of Orchard Road!
18) What has been your favorite moment?
Too many.. but I guess it has something to do with family and friends... with the addition of God.. and church...
19) What's something you learned about yourself?
I can do anything as long as I put my mind to it, and offer it to God.
20) Any new additions to your family?
Not yet... but soon, in Feb there will be a little niece/nephew :)
21) What was your worst month?
They're all good...
Monday, January 7, 2008
Sorry to spoil the show for you...
"Everyone’s favorite bi-sexual (but not really) midget stripper Tila Tequila is returning for a second season. Tila and MTV announced she’ll pretend to like chicks again for the ratings juggernaut A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila.
She claims on her MySpace page that season one winner Bobby Banhart broke up with her and couldn’t handle her schedule. But Bobby says they never even dated, according to the Associated Press:
However, Banhart said in a Dec. 30 message posted on MySpace that "she never called me after the last show and no one would give me her number."
Poor Bobby never really had a “shot” to begin with as casting for the second season had already started in November before the finale even aired:
"This time I wanna find love for real," Tequila said during "Tila Tequila's New Year's Eve Masquerade 2008.".
I’d prefer if A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila was literally a shot at Tila Tequila with a bullet. Fired from a gun – by me. Though I bet she’d be hard to hit because of her little people powers. She’d keep escaping into a “poof” of rainbows and stripper poles."
-source: http://www.thesuperficial.com/
Ahhh... seriously? WHATEVER. I kinda knew it anyway.
But who cares? The show's still fun to watch :)
Although, this DOES mean that Bobby Banhart is single, I guess....
and he really did seem kinda sincere.
*ooh, gimme!!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
A shot at love with Tila Tequila

After you're done, just click on the video. It should link you up to youtube where you can continue watching the rest of the show...
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Happy 2008!!!
It's the new year and I think, like everyone else, I shall look back on my life in 2007 and comment.
Here's what's good in 2007:
- I finally found a good church to settle down in
- I achieved more than 3.6 GPA for my 2 semesters in 2007 (3.6 and above qualifies for Dean's List)
- I am really enjoying myself serving in church (offering, dance and worship)
- I have great family and friends
- I have a great boyfriend
- I QUIT SMOKING (FINALLY, thanks to Rajwin)
- I brought my brother to Christ
- I am growing in faith
- I am curbing my temper
- I am blessed with various material possessios (new hp, new laptop, new car, etc)
Here's what I want to achieve in 2008: THIS IS A REMINDER TO MYSELF
- Spend more time serving God and the church
- Raise my GPA to 3.9 (or at least 3.8)
- Spend more time with my family and friends
- Appreciate my boyfriend more
- Disciple my brother properly in his walk with Christ
- Bring my mother to Christ
- Grow in my own faith
- Curb my temper totally
- Earn and save more money (instead of spending on material possessions, I will give more to church, save for a rainy day, spend some on the people I love)
- Lead a more healthy life (eat healthy, exercise, drink less, etc)
- Gossip less
It was an amazing year... and I'm sure of a more amazing ahead.
2008 will be a great year for the same reasons why 2007 was great - that I have my family, friends and most importantly God with me.