My darling Jason decided to take me out on a date because it's my birthday week!!
Mommy says, "how many days u want to celebrate??!!"
Haha. But who cares, as long as I get pampered till no end. At least I was kind enough not to make it a 5-day procession and declare it a public holiday.
Being so touched, I went to lido early to buy tickets for a movie to surprise him. Hmm... Balls of fury? Game plan? I guess Jason would like some thriller... Ah, ferryman!
When he met me, he asked, "WTF is that? Movie ah?" duh.
First stop: DOME @ Lido.
At Dome, they have magazines beside the booth seats for customers to browse. Jason picked one up and flip through it, showing me all the men's watches and saying "See? Kenneth Cole leh." Hinting or something.. Not too sure, I wasn't really paying attention. I was trying to do some kid's magazine crossword puzzle using my eyes to mark out the words, since i dont have a pen.
Ah, so this was what he was hiding:

Trouble getting me a gift? Anyone?
I stared wistfully at the shoes and watches while he stared devastatedly at the prices.
"Why must you like everything to be pink...", came his feeble pleas for me to move on in life and stop staring at the beautifully pink accesories. In his desperation, his grammar went all out the window.
Whatever. I ignored him and exclaimed in glee, "Ok, pink shoes.. from lilica, titus watch... if every month when you get your pay you buy me one... I wonder which I should get first... Maybe start with the shoes... Honey, do you know where is Lilica?"
I turned to look at him, batting my eyelashes only to realize he had his forehead on the table and was blaming all forces of nature that possessed him to bring me to Dome on this very fateful day.
After dinner, he wanted to get a sweater vest for some wine fair tomorrow at expo, so we went to topman. We picked it in 5 mins and just before he proceeded to the counter, he turned to me and asked, "you want anything?" (probably out of politeness, thinking that since topman only sells men stuff, I won't be interested, but not realizing that topshop is just beside)
OMG! This must be true love! His words were like music to my ears! I clapped my hands and hopped around topshop in glee.. hmmm... AH! Underwear!! Violet mentioned they were great!
While fluttering around topshop, I picked these:
Anyway, Girls, don't be cheated. I saw the sign that says 2 for $9, and I picked 2, but when Jason went to pay, both underwears costed $17.80. The salesman then said, "Only those with red tags are for the offer"
Nevermind, at the end of the day, the underwears may not cost as much as the stuff on the magazine, or be as pretty.. but nevertheless, it's from my amazing boyfriend, it's pink.. and it's a start.
right, honey?
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