It wasn't Jason or my birthday or anything, but after I took a picture with Raj, I gotta take a picture with him too, later he get jealous.. LOL!
Later they get jealous too... no need to put pink border lah... this picture nothing special also.. except for my nice lychee margarita!! lol. Can almost hear violet's "Kenna mocked" whining faintly in the background... "Breeeeee....".BWAHAHAha...
Ah, my lychee margarita got a friend!! Violet's strawberry margarita... Damn weird place.. serve the 2 margarita drinks in different glasses.. is it because one lychee one strawberry?? Can someone please offer some insight???
Hot Date.. Haha.. the picture looks like right? Who call them to go and act-atas.. sit there drinking wine.. haha actually Raj drank 1/4 then Jason drank 3/4 of it.. But then they also drank it quite fast lah, like drinking beer like that... then why not just order beer you ask? Coz Rajwin's mom stuffed us with amazing food before that so everyone very full...
The indian food is so hot that I keep farting after that and can feel the steam coming out from my asshole lor.. OUCH. Lucky never shit.. can imagine curry ass man.. damn painful.. HAha! Sorry had to digress.. bad memories lah.
Then yesterday Raj managed to persuade us to go camping lah.. not much, except he had this silly idea called "Earthen-baked Mexican Chicken"..
The Recipe:
- Burn hot rocks until damn hot in the campfire.
- Dig a hole. Rajwin say must dig until you reach mexico, that's why got the
word Mexican in the name.- Place hot rocks into the hole, use stick or kick.
- Wrap chicken in aluminium foil and place on top of hot rocks.
- Bury everything in the sand.
- Dig up in 15mins and serve.
It actually tastes quite good.. the skin was soft and tender, but the flesh inside was really cooked! Not much pictures coz it's pitch dark and you seriously can't walk a step without turning on your torch light.. but I managed to capture how the earthen-baked chicken was marinated.
With his bare-hands.. After he hiked, touched the drain, scratch his ass, touch the fire... No wonder taste good... perhaps it's not the earth or the mexican flavor.. but Pravin's skilful marinating hands..
We left early coz I couldnt take it.. too dark and scary.. so we went to pravin's place to watch rugby worldcup and I manage to get the guys to camwhore!
Actually Han was quite willing lah, he was posing in front of Pravin's full length mirror then I just snap the pictures and drag him to take pictures with me.. haha. He DAMN whore lor. Cam-whore I mean. and he still ask me to send him the pictures.. ...
no guy has ever said that to me, man.
We found some funny hats in pravin's room...
Makes a damn cool christmas card right? Lol. Jason so gonna kill me for making him look gay again. Bwahaha.
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