Before the world brings me down to my knees and I get weary from the superficiality of life, let me just count my blessings. And before I get caught up in despair and lose sight of the best things in life, let me just ravel in unadorned bliss.
It's just so simple:

The top reason.. is of course, my bestfriend! Violet..
We go sun-tanning together every tuesday, we shop together, do our hair together, we giggle, we whine to each other, we support each other and we're there for each other 24/7... I simply can't imagine even the closest guy pals endulging in the activities we do.
We have no inhibitions around each other.. and of course there's no "I'm a man, hence I cannot show any emotions or affection in public" between violet and I! We hug each other all the time and we cry in front of each other without worrying about what we might think of each other. Being a girl is great!
Boyfriends... Something only girls can enjoy (and some men...)
I can scream and whine and he'll still love me the way I am. He tries to give in to my whim and fancy whenever he can.. Like when Gwen told me Mcdonald's were having hello kitty happy meal toys, I smsed Jason at work and told him I wanted one, so during lunch he went to each happy meal to get me the toy.. aww. and the poor boy's on a diet! Haha.
Come on, which guy gets such treatment? He sends me home everyday, accompanies me to late night movies, watches chick flicks with me, and goes to church with me! I'm so glad I'm a girl... Because frankly, Jason's rather homo-phobic.. so I'm lucky I'm a girl because if I were a boy, he'd kick me in the face.
Guyfriends... Every girl should get one.
Have I said it before? Let me say it again: I HAVE THE GREATEST GUY FRIENDS IN THE WORLD!!! hahaha.. Pravin, Rajwin, Adil... Gosh, how I love u guys! Guy friends are great, coz well, your girlfriends can't really be gentlemanly to u and carry your books in school and take care of you.. and sometimes girlfriends are too sweet and nice to tell u that u're being a bitch. But guy friends... well, they're great.
They can let u act all little lady and whine and throw a fit, and then carry your bags for you, but they'll treat u like one of the guys as well and joke and tease you and tell you that u're a bitch when you're in the wrong. (you say boyfriends can do that too? HELL NO. a guy should under NO circumstance tell his girlfriend she's being a bitch. Even if you think u can phrase it in the sweetest way possible? No chance. She's definitely gonna take it the wrong way.)
Especially when you're fighting with your boyfriend and you fail to see the man's point of view.. ta-da! They might even call up your boyfriend and have a man-to-man talk, but of course, they SHOULD always sway ur boyfriend subtly and make him apologize with candyfloss and jellybeans. This is one thing my guy friends aren't able to do yet at the moment... but it's ok, I'm magnanimous, I forgive.
Of course there are other less important stuff, for instance:
- I get to take an hour dressing up and noone can say anything 'coz I'm a girl!
- I get to throw tantrums and princess-fits once a month! (not even gays get this priviledge...)
- I can make EVERYTHING my favorite color *pink* and get away with it (furry pencil case, pink bedroom walls, pink sweater, pink wallet, pink handphone, etc... no guy can get away with everything black, or blue.. it'll look utterly lame.)
- I can wear my hair differently every single day!
- I get to mix and match more clothes than any other guy!
- I can bargain and grab at sales rack without judgement from other men!
- I can use cheap knockoffs and decorate it to look preeettyyy!
- I can use my handphone and take pictures of myself WHEREVER I AM! (i'd like to see a man try and do that)
- I can say "i just wanna lie around and listen to jazz music today.. maybe lie in a bubble bath, or curl up in bed with a good book and some wine? I had a busy week!" without other men saying "Don't be fucking gay, I'm coming over there now to kick u in the ass and walk to zouk with my foot still stuck in ur anus so u gotta come club with us tonite, you fag!"
- I can giggle like crazy and run around a candy store excitedly without other men calling me a retarded gay fairy.
*sigh. I love my life.
Thank you, LORD :)
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