Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet.

True love does exist, I know it's out there somewhere.

In fact, it's everywhere. It's in the old couple who walked past me on the street hand-in-hand and smiles on their faces, Beethoven when he wrote Moonlight Sonata for that dutchess he was infatuated with, or even the little boy on the playground who offers the little girl the cream side of the oreo (true love doesn't get any truer than that).

Violet and I went to 'Popular' bookstore yesterday and I picked up a copy of Romeo and Juliet. True love at its greatest, most dramatic form. As I read my favorite verses out to Violet... it felt so unnatural and silly. I wondered - who talks like that anymore?

What really irked me about that book.. is that it seemed so PERFECT. The meeting, the rendezvous... even the timing of their deaths seemed oddly perfect. If Romeo had come just a moment later and seen Juliet waking up from her sleep, he wouldn't have to killed himself at all.

But does true love always have to be perfect to be memorable? I believe it's not about finding the perfect one.. but rather, seeing perfection in an imperfect one. While I believe that soulmates do exist, I don't believe soulmates only happen when you find the perfect one and fall deeply in love. I still believe in a wonderful marriage and the happily ever after. But I believe it takes alot of hard work. Things don't just magically work out simply because you're in love.

Perhaps true love isnt just as simple as growing old together, writing a tune or offering the cream side of the oreo to the one you love. Perhaps it really does take a superman to sweep me off my feet... or to sweep everything into a perfect little bundle. Who knows?

All I know is that right now, this gal doesn't need no sweeping. My life's in a mess and that's the way I like it. Soulmates? Why settle for the ONE when I can have many?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


that special place :)

Changes in my life...

I permed my hair. Again.

I'm single. Again.
I realized how much my friends love me. Again.

My life will never be the same again.

Friday, April 4, 2008

8 things I can't leave home without

8 Things I Can't Leave Home Without
1) Wallet - $$ and driver's liscence.
2) Keys - Car + home
3) Phone - In case I get lost in some ulu place and I need directions
4) Namecard holder - In case I suddenly have to go meet clients or some event to attend to
5) Make up pouch - same reason as #4
6) Personal handy 1st Aid Kit - Asthma inhaler + cotton wool + panadols + mentrual cramps pills + sanitary pad, etc
7) Organizer - In case I have some appointments I forgot about or I lose my phone (I copied all the numbers down in my organizer)
8) Bible - My security blanket

What's in your bag?