Sunday, July 13, 2008

Back from Bellini

at 4:37am

My love, Smile sweetly.
For the sweet rose of bellini.
Behold, it blooms with such awe and beauty.
So smile sweetly, my love.

My love, softly listen.
For the rose blooms only in season.
Maybe just once, we could defy all reason.
And listen so softly, my love.

My love, stay awhile longer.
For as long as the scent will linger.
We know can be no better singer,
So stay awhile longer, my love.

My love, it's time to go.
For all flowers wither, we know.
Just remember we'll always love you so,
And help us let go, my love.

Tonight, Tom Brown danced his last lap around the dance floor.
Amazingly, he shone like never before.

cheers, Tom. You're a winner.

-missing you loads!-

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