Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 things you probably didn't know about me...

Too many people have tagged me, forcing me to answer this. Due to overwhelming demand, I have decided to post this onto my blog once and for all. Read them and weep ;)

"Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you."

  1. My name, Brina (yes, it's not Bree or bree-nah), means Defender or Protector.
  2. My family and friends call me Bree.
  3. I love all things old - architecture, books, history, ethnic and cultural costumes and artifacts.
  4. I love jazz.
  5. I believe that I either travelled ahead in time or was born in the wrong era - I should have been born in the 50's.
  6. I am an amazing cook.
  7. I never read the newspapers because I hate getting carbon on my fingers.
  8. I read magazines from back to front.
  9. I have a warpped sense of humour - most people don't get my jokes... or get it after much later.
  10. I have watched every single episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. at least 5 times and can recite the dialogues perfectly. Yes, I have the entire volume in DVDs. (P/S: I'm still looking for someone to challenge me to the 'FRIENDS - scene it?' trivia board game)
  11. I kick ass at games that most girls don't play - Risk (war board game), Pool, CounterStrike.
  12. I have trouble grasping abstract concepts like time travel and black hole.
  13. I love watching documentaries.
  14. When my sisters played with dolls, I grew up playing with helmets, toy machine guns, kid's sized #4 army uniform, etc.
  15. I collect SAF unit singlets as a hobby - I have TONS of different ones in my cupboard (yes, they're all used) -if you love me please donate yours at trytofindme@gmail.com.
  16. I married a prince and live in a huge palace on a cliff by the sea.
  17. I lied on #16.
  18. I'm online 24hours a day because Jon says that most problems occur at start-up. So I never turn off my laptop... even when I sleep.
  19. I've watched every single episode of The Simpsons.
  20. My favorite place in the world (other than my own bed) is Bellini Grande. I cried when Bellini Room closed down.
  21. I love all sorts of dance and martial arts.
  22. I never eat frog legs, pig inerts, turtle soup or anything strange.
  23. I grew up by the east coast beach and driving to the western parts of the island still intimidates me.
  24. I will block people who nudge me too many times on MSN.
  25. I love my chinese name.
PHew.* Now feel free to invade my privacy.

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