Monday, February 16, 2009

Plants cry too...

I was explaining to e-fei why I don't eat raw sashimi... and the conversation somehow evolved to this.

pas de chance says (10:58 PM):
food is animal
plants cry when you eat them
at least the animal's dead

姐妹情深 bree blogs @ girlyjazz.blogspot says (10:59 PM):
plants cry!
they do???
dont lie

pas de chance says (10:59 PM):
they do

姐妹情深 bree blogs @ girlyjazz.blogspot says (10:59 PM):
come on

pas de chance says (10:59 PM):
they weep

姐妹情深 bree blogs @ girlyjazz.blogspot says (10:59 PM):
it's cruel to kid me like that

pas de chance says (10:59 PM):
vegans are twisted

姐妹情深 bree blogs @ girlyjazz.blogspot says (10:59 PM):
oh. MY. FarKinG. Gawwd.
how do the plants cry

pas de chance says (11:00 PM):
they make this ultra sonic sound
like when someone cuts a tree
the other trees weep too

He sent me a link... and yep, he's not lying. Plants DO 'cry'.

It turns out many vegetables have a kind of built-in distress call -- releasing chemicals into the air when they're in trouble.

The warning system is so sensitive, Miresmailli said, that some plants sound the alarm even before an infestation begins -- when insects first begin laying eggs on their leaves.

Exactly why plants do this is unclear, said Miresmailli.

One theory is the chemicals serve as a kind of natural insect repellent.

Another is that they attract even bigger insects, which then feed on the invading pests.

There is even some evidence the chemicals are a way for plants to warn their neighbours of impending attack -- so they can take steps, like emitting toxins, to save themselves.

Whatever the reason, it's clear plants have a way of letting the world know they're in trouble.

Check out the full article at Plants really do cry...

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